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Version: 19.0.0


This section covers the supported settings for the method SetRenderSettings(settings)

The parameter setting is a dictionary containing the following keys:

"SelectAllFrames": Bool (when set True, the settings MarkIn and MarkOut are ignored)

"MarkIn": int

"MarkOut": int

"TargetDir": string

"CustomName": string

"UniqueFilenameStyle": 0 - Prefix, 1 - Suffix.

"ExportVideo": Bool

"ExportAudio": Bool

"FormatWidth": int

"FormatHeight": int

"FrameRate": float (examples: 23.976, 24)

"PixelAspectRatio": string (for SD resolution: "16_9" or "4_3") (other resolutions: "square" or "cinemascope")

"VideoQuality" possible values for current codec (if applicable):

  • 0(int) - will set quality to automatic

  • [1 -> MAX] (int) - will set input bit rate

  • ["Least", "Low", "Medium", "High", "Best"] (String) - will set input quality level

"AudioCodec": string (example: "aac")

"AudioBitDepth": int

"AudioSampleRate": int

"ColorSpaceTag" : string (example: "Same as Project", "AstroDesign")

"GammaTag" : string (example: "Same as Project", "ACEScct")

"ExportAlpha": Bool

"EncodingProfile": string (example: "Main10"). Can only be set for H.264 and H.265.

"MultiPassEncode": Bool. Can only be set for H.264.

"AlphaMode": 0 - Premultipled, 1 - Straight. Can only be set if "ExportAlpha" is true.

"NetworkOptimization": Bool. Only supported by QuickTime and MP4 formats.