📄️ Audio Mapping
This section covers the output for mpItem.GetAudioMapping() and timelineItem.GetSourceAudioChannelMapping()
📄️ Audio Sync Settings
This section covers additional notes for the functions MediaPool:AutoSyncAudio.
📄️ Auto Caption Settings
This section covers the supported settings for the method Timeline.CreateSubtitlesFromAudio(autoCaptionSettings)
📄️ Cache Mode Information
This section covers additional notes for the functions GraphSetNodeCacheMode(nodeIndex, cachevalue).
📄️ Cloud Projects Settings
This section covers additional notes for the functions:
📄️ Export LUT
The following section covers additional notes for TimelineItem.ExportLUT(exportType, path).
📄️ Keyframe Mode Information
This section covers additional notes for the functions Resolve.GetKeyframeMode() and Resolve.SetKeyframeMode(keyframeMode).
📄️ Project and Clip Properties
This section covers additional notes for the functions ProjectSetSetting, TimelineSetSetting, MediaPoolItemSetClipProperty. These functions are used to get and set properties otherwise available to the user through the Project Settings and the Clip Attributes dialogs.
📄️ Render Settings
This section covers the supported settings for the method SetRenderSettings(settings)
📄️ Timeline Export Properties
This section covers the parameters for the argument Export(fileName, exportType, exportSubtype).
📄️ TimelineItemProperties
This section covers additional notes for the function "TimelineItemGetProperty". These functions are used to get and set properties mentioned.