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Version: 19.1.0

Audio Sync Settings

This section covers additional notes for the functions MediaPool:AutoSyncAudio.

AutoSyncAudio takes in a {audioSyncSettings} dict, that has the following keys:

resolve.AUDIO_SYNC_MODE:                  audioSyncMode (see below),  [resolve.AUDIO_SYNC_TIMECODE by default]
resolve.AUDIO_SYNC_CHANNEL_NUMBER: channelNumber (see below) [1 by default]
resolve.AUDIO_SYNC_RETAIN_EMBEDDED_AUDIO: Bool, [False by default]
resolve.AUDIO_SYNC_RETAIN_VIDEO_METADATA: Bool, [False by default]

audioSyncMode can be one of the following:


With AUDIO_SYNC_WAVEFORM mode, channelNumber is used to determine channel offset for comparison. channelNumber can be one of the following:


an actual channel offset from input media for waveform comparison.

1 <= channel offset <= channelMax, where channelMax is the channel count of the audio clip in [MediaPoolItems] with the fewest channels.