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New in 19.1.0


Return Type: Bool

Delete render preset by provided name


Return Type: [preset_name..]

Returns a list of Quick Export render presets by name

RenderWithQuickExport(preset_name, {param_dict})

Return Type: {status info}

Starts a quick export render for the current active timeline.

preset_name from GetQuickExportRenderPresets list.

param_dict supports render settings keys TargetDir, CustomName,VideoQuality, and EnableUpload.

EnableUpload key enables direct upload for supported web presets.

Returns a dict with job status and time taken to render, or an error string if render has failed or not attempted

Refer to Render Settings section for information on the above supported settings

New in 19.0.0


Return Type: [ColorGroups...]

Returns a list of all group objects in the timeline.


Return Type: ColorGroup

Creates a new ColorGroup. groupName must be a unique string.


Return Type: Bool

Deletes the given color group and sets clips to ungrouped.


Return Type: string

Adds a render job based on current render settings to the render queue. Returns a unique job id (string) for the new render job.


Return Type: Bool

Deletes all render jobs in the queue.


Return Type: Bool

Deletes render job for input job id (string).


Return Type: Bool

Exports current frame as still to supplied filePath. filePath must end in valid export file format. Returns True if successful, False otherwise.


Return Type: {format codec}

Returns a dict with currently selected format 'format' and render codec 'codec'.


Return Type: int

Returns the render mode: 0 - Individual clips, 1 - Single clip.


Return Type: Timeline

Returns the currently loaded Timeline .


Return Type: Gallery

Returns the Gallery object.


Return Type: MediaPool

Returns the MediaPool object.


Return Type: string

Returns project name.


Return Type: [presets...]

Returns a list of presets and their information.


Return Type: {render codecs...}

Returns a dict (codec description -> codec name) of available codecs for given render format (string).


Return Type: {render formats..}

Returns a dict (format -> file extension) of available render formats.


Return Type: [render jobs...]

Returns a list of render jobs and their information.


Return Type: {status info}

Returns a dict with job status and completion percentage of the job by given jobId (string).


Return Type: [presets...]

Returns a list of render presets and their information.

GetRenderResolutions(format, codec)

Return Type: [{Resolution}]

Returns list of resolutions applicable for the given render format (string) and render codec (string). Returns full list of resolutions if no argument is provided. Each element in the list is a dictionary with 2 keys "Width" and "Height".


Return Type: string

Returns value of project setting (indicated by settingName, string). Check the Project and Clip Properties below for more information.


Return Type: Timeline

Returns Timeline at the given index, 1 < = idx < = project.GetTimelineCount()


Return Type: int

Returns the number of timelines currently present in the project.


Return Type: string

Returns a unique ID for the project item

InsertAudioToCurrentTrackAtPlayhead(mediaPath,startOffsetInSamples, durationInSamples)

Return Type: Bool

Inserts the media specified by mediaPath (string) with startOffsetInSamples (int) and durationInSamples (int) at the playhead on a selected track on the Fairlight page. Returns True if successful, otherwise False.


Return Type: Bool

Returns True if rendering is in progress.


Return Type: Bool

Loads user defined data burn in preset for project when supplied presetName (string). Returns true if successful.


Return Type: Bool

Sets a preset as current preset for rendering if presetName (string) exists.


Return Type: Bool

Refreshes LUT List


Return Type: Bool

Creates new render preset by given name if presetName(string) is unique.

SetCurrentRenderFormatAndCodec(format, codec)

Return Type: Bool

Sets given render format (string) and render codec (string) as options for rendering.


Return Type: Bool

Sets the render mode. Specify renderMode = 0 for Individual clips, 1 for Single clip.


Return Type: Bool

Sets given Timeline as current timeline for the project. Returns True if successful.


Return Type: Bool

Sets project name if given projectName (string) is unique.


Return Type: Bool

Sets preset by given presetName (string) into project.


Return Type: Bool

Sets given settings for rendering. Settings is a dict, with support for the keys:

(Refer to Render Settings section for information for supported settings)

SetSetting(settingName, settingValue)

Return Type: Bool

Sets the project setting (indicated by settingName, string) to the value (settingValue, string). Check the Project and Clip Properties below for more information.

StartRendering([jobIds...], isInteractiveMode=False)

Return Type: Bool

Starts rendering jobs indicated by the input job ids. The optional "isInteractiveMode", when set, enables error feedback in the UI during rendering.


Return Type: Bool

Starts rendering all queued render jobs. The optional "isInteractiveMode", when set, enables error feedback in the UI during rendering.

StartRendering(jobId1, jobId2, ...)

Return Type: Bool

Starts rendering jobs indicated by the input job ids.


Return Type: None

Stops any current render processes.