Return Type: Bool
Adds a flag with given color (string).
AddMarker(frameId, color, name, note, duration,customData)
Return Type: Bool
Creates a new marker at given frameId position and with given marker information. 'customData' is optional and helps to attach user specific data to the marker.
Return Type: Bool
Clears the item color.
Return Type: Bool
Clears the flag of the given color if one exists. An "All" argument is supported and clears all flags.
Return Type: Bool
Clears audio transcription of the MediaPoolItem. Returns True if successful; False otherwise.
Return Type: Bool
Delete marker at frame number from the media pool item.
Return Type: Bool
Delete first matching marker with specified customData.
Return Type: Bool
Delete all markers of the specified color from the media pool item. "All" as argument deletes all color markers.
Return Type: string
Returns the item color as a string.
Return Type: string|dict
Returns the property value for the key 'propertyName'. If no argument is specified, a dict of all clip properties is returned. Check the Project and Clip Properties below for more information.
Return Type: [colors...]
Returns a list of flag colors assigned to the item.
Return Type: {markers...}
Returns marker {information} for the first matching marker with specified customData.
Return Type: string
Returns customData string for the marker at given frameId position.
Return Type: {markers...}
Returns a dict (frameId -> {information}) of all markers and dicts with their information.
Example of output format:
{96.0: {'color': 'Green', 'duration': 1.0, 'note': '', 'name': 'Marker 1', 'customData': ''}, ...}
In the above example - there is one 'Green' marker at offset 96 (position of the marker)
Return Type: string
Returns the unique ID for the MediaPoolItem.
Return Type: string|dict
Returns the metadata value for the key 'metadataType'. If no argument is specified, a dict of all set metadata properties is returned.
Return Type: string
Returns the clip name.
Return Type: string
Returns a unique ID for the media pool item
Return Type: Bool
Links proxy media located at path specified by arg 'proxyMediaFilePath' with the current clip. 'proxyMediaFilePath' should be absolute clip path.
Return Type: Bool
Replaces the underlying asset and metadata of MediaPoolItem with the specified absolute clip path.
Return Type: Bool
Sets the item color based on the colorName (string).
SetClipProperty(propertyName, propertyValue)
Return Type: Bool
Sets the given property to propertyValue (string). Check the Project and Clip Properties below for more information.
Return Type: Bool
Sets the item metadata with specified 'metadata' dict. Returns True if successful.
SetMetadata(metadataType, metadataValue)
Return Type: Bool
Sets the given metadata to metadataValue (string). Returns True if successful.
Return Type: Bool
Transcribes audio of the MediaPoolItem. Returns True if successful; False otherwise
Return Type: Bool
Unlinks any proxy media associated with clip.
UpdateMarkerCustomData(frameId, customData)
Return Type: Bool
Updates customData (string) for the marker at given frameId position. CustomData is not exposed via UI and is useful for scripting developer to attach any user specific data to markers.
New in 19.0.0
Return Type: json formatted string
Returns a string
with MediaPoolItem's audio mapping information.
Check Audio Mapping section for more information.