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Version: 19.0.3


New in 19.0.2


Return Type: [MediaPoolItems]

Returns the current selected MediaPoolItems


Return Type: Bool

Sets the selected MediaPoolItem to the given MediaPoolItem

AddSubFolder(folder, name)

Return Type: Folder

Adds new subfolder under specified Folder object with the given name.

AppendToTimeline([{clipInfo}, ...])

Return Type: [TimelineItem]

Appends list of clipInfos specified as dict of mediaPoolItem, startFrame (float/int), endFrame(float/int), (optional) mediaType(int; 1 - Video only, 2 - Audio only), trackIndex(int) and recordFrame(float/int). Returns the list of appended TimelineItem .


Return Type: [TimelineItem]

Appends specified MediaPoolItem objects in the current timeline. Returns the list of appended TimelineItem .

AppendToTimeline(clip1, clip2, ...)

Return Type: [TimelineItem]

Appends specified MediaPoolItem objects in the current timeline. Returns the list of appended TimelineItem .


Return Type: Timeline

Adds new Timeline with given name.


Return Type: MediaPoolItem

Takes in two existing media pool items and creates a new 3D stereoscopic media pool entry replacing the input media in the media pool.

CreateTimelineFromClips(name, [{clipInfo}])

Return Type: Timeline

Creates new Timeline with specified name, appending the list of clipInfos specified as a dict of "MediaPoolItem ", "startFrame" (float/int), "endFrame" (float/int), "recordFrame" (float/int).

CreateTimelineFromClips(name, [clips])

Return Type: Timeline

Creates new Timeline with specified name, and appends the specified MediaPoolItem objects.

CreateTimelineFromClips(name, clip1, clip2,...)

Return Type: Timeline

Creates new Timeline with specified name, and appends the specified MediaPoolItem objects.

DeleteClipMattes(MediaPoolItem, [paths])

Return Type: Bool

Delete mattes based on their file paths, for specified MediaPoolItem . Returns True on success.


Return Type: Bool

Deletes specified clips or timeline mattes in the media pool


Return Type: Bool

Deletes specified subfolders in the media pool


Return Type: Bool

Deletes specified timelines in the media pool.

ExportMetadata(fileName, [clips])

Return Type: Bool

Exports metadata of specified clips to 'fileName' in CSV format. If no clips are specified, all clips from media pool will be used.


Return Type: [paths]

Get mattes for specified MediaPoolItem , as a list of paths to the matte files.


Return Type: Folder

Returns currently selected Folder .


Return Type: Folder

Returns root Folder of Media Pool


Return Type: [MediaPoolItems]

Get mattes in specified Folder, as list of MediaPoolItem.


Return Type: String

Returns a unique ID for the media pool

ImportFolderFromFile(filePath, sourceClipsPath="")

Return Type: Bool

Returns true if import from given DRB filePath is successful, false otherwise sourceClipsPath is a string that specifies a filesystem path to search for source clips if the media is inaccessible in their original path, empty by default


Return Type: [MediaPoolItems]

Imports file path(s) into current Media Pool folder as specified in list of clipInfo dict. Returns a list of the MediaPoolItem s created.

Each clipInfo gets imported as one MediaPoolItem unless 'Show Individual Frames' is turned on. Example:

ImportMedia([{"FilePath": "file_%03d.dpx", "StartIndex": 1, "EndIndex": 100}]) 

would import clip "file_[001-100].dpx".


Return Type: [MediaPoolItems]

Imports specified file/folder paths into current Media Pool folder. Input is an array of file/folder paths. Returns a list of the MediaPoolItem created.

ImportTimelineFromFile(filePath, {importOptions})

Return Type: Timeline

Creates Timeline based on parameters within given file (AAF/EDL/XML/FCPXML/DRT/ADL) and optional importOptions dict, with support for the keys:

timelineName: string, specifies the name of the timeline to be created.Not valid for DRT import

importSourceClips: Bool, specifies whether source clips should be imported, True by default.Not valid for DRT import

sourceClipsPath: string, specifies a filesystem path to search for source clips if the media is inaccessible in their original path and if "importSourceClips" is True

sourceClipsFolders: List of Media Pool folder objects to search for source clips if the media is not present in current folder and if "importSourceClips" is False.Not valid for DRT import

interlaceProcessing: Bool, specifies whether to enable interlace processing on the imported timeline being created. valid only for AAF import

MoveClips([clips], targetFolder)

Return Type: Bool

Moves specified MediaPoolItem to target Folder .

MoveFolders([folders], targetFolder)

Return Type: Bool

Moves specified folders to target Folder .


Return Type: Bool

Updates the folders in collaboration mode

RelinkClips([MediaPoolItem], folderPath)

Return Type: Bool

Update the folder location of specified media pool clips with the specified folderpath.


Return Type: Bool

Sets current folder by given Folder .


Return Type: Bool

Unlink specified media pool clips.