New in 19.0.1
GetTrackSubType(trackType, trackIndex)
Return Type: string
Returns an audio track's format.the return value is one of {"mono", "stereo", "5.1", "5.1film", "7.1", "7.1film", "adaptive1", ... , "adaptive24"}
and matches the parameters 'subTrackType' and 'audioType' in timeline.AddTrack.
returns a blank string for non audio tracks
New in 19.0.0
Return Type: Graph
Returns the timeline's node graph object.
AnalyzeDolbyVision([timelineItems]=[], analysisType=NONE)
Return Type: Bool
Analyzes Dolby Vision on clips present on the timeline.
Returns True if analysis start is successful; False otherwise.
if [timelineItems] is empty, analysis performed on all items. Else, analysis performed on [timelineItems] only.
set analysisType
to resolve.DLB_BLEND_SHOTS
for blend setting
AddMarker(frameId, color, name, note, duration, customData)
Return Type: Bool
Creates a new marker at given frameId position and with given marker information. 'customData' is optional and helps to attach user specific data to the marker.
AddTrack(trackType, subTrackType)
Change at 19.0.0
Return Type: Bool
Adds track of trackType ("video", "subtitle", "audio").
Second optional argument subTrackType is used for "audio”
subTrackType can be one of {"mono", "stereo", "5.1", "5.1film", "7.1", "7.1film", "adaptive1", ... , "adaptive24"}
AddTrack(trackType, newTrackOptions)
Add at 19.0.0
Return Type: Bool
Adds track of trackType ("video", "subtitle", "audio").
Optional newTrackOptions = {'audioType': same as subTrackType above, 'index': 1 < = index < = GetTrackCount(trackType)}
'audiotype' defaults to 'mono' if arg skipped and track type is ‘audio’.
'index' if skipped (or if value not in bounds) appends track.
ApplyGradeFromDRX(path, gradeMode, [items])
Return Type: Bool
Loads a still from given file path (string) and applies grade to Timeline Items with gradeMode (int):
0 - "No keyframes", 1 - "Source Timecode aligned", 2 - "Start Frames aligned".
ApplyGradeFromDRX(path, gradeMode, item1, item2, ...)
Return Type: Bool
Loads a still from given file path (string) and applies grade to Timeline Items with gradeMode (int):
0 - "No keyframes", 1 - "Source Timecode aligned", 2 - "Start Frames aligned".
Return Type: Bool
Converts timeline to stereo. Returns True if successful; False otherwise.
CreateCompoundClip([timelineItems], {clipInfo})
Return Type: TimelineItem
Creates a compound clip of input TimelineItem with an optional clipInfo map:
{"startTimecode" : "00: 00: 00: 00", "name" : "Compound Clip 1"}.
It returns the created timeline item.
Return Type: TimelineItem
Creates a Fusion clip of input timeline items. It returns the created timeline item.
Return Type: Bool
Creates subtitles from audio for the timeline. Returns True on success, False otherwise. optional dictionary autoCaptionSettings after DR 18.6.4.Check Auto Caption Settings subsection below for more information.
DeleteClips([timelineItems], Bool)
Return Type: Bool
Deletes specified TimelineItems from the timeline, performing ripple delete if the second argument is True. Second argument is optional (The default for this is False)
Return Type: Bool
Deletes the timeline marker at the given frame number.
Return Type: Bool
Delete first matching marker with specified customData.
Return Type: Bool
Deletes all timeline markers of the specified color. An "All" argument is supported and deletes all timeline markers.
DeleteTrack(trackType, trackIndex)
Return Type: Bool
Deletes track of trackType ("video", "subtitle", "audio") and given trackIndex. 1 < = trackIndex < = GetTrackCount()
Return Type: Bool
Detects and makes scene cuts along the timeline. Returns True if successful, False otherwise.
Return Type: timeline
Duplicates the timeline and returns the created timeline, with the (optional) timelineName, on success.
Export(fileName, exportType, exportSubtype)
Return Type: Bool
Exports timeline to 'fileName' as per input exportType & exportSubtype format.
Refer to section Timeline Export Properties for information on the parameters.
Return Type: {thumbnailData}
Returns a dict (keys "width", "height", "format" and "data") with data containing raw thumbnail image data (RGB 8-bit image data encoded in base64 format) for current media in the Color Page. An example of how to retrieve and interpret thumbnails is provided in 6_get_current_media_thumbnail.py in the Examples folder.
Return Type: string
Returns a string timecode representation for the current playhead position, while on Cut, Edit, Color, Fairlight and Deliver pages.
Return Type: item
Returns the current video timeline item.
Return Type: int
Returns the frame number at the end of timeline.
GetIsTrackEnabled(trackType, trackIndex)
Return Type: Bool
Returns True if track with given trackType and trackIndex is enabled and False otherwise. trackType is one of subtitle 1 < = trackIndex < = GetTrackCount()
GetIsTrackLocked(trackType, trackIndex)
Return Type: Bool
Returns True if track with given trackType and trackIndex is locked and False otherwise. trackType is one of subtitle 1 < = trackIndex < = GetTrackCount()
GetItemListInTrack(trackType, index)
Return Type: [items...]
Returns a list of timeline items on that track (based on trackType and index). 1 < = index < = GetTrackCount().
Return Type: {markers...}
Returns marker {information} for the first matching marker with specified customData.
Return Type: string
Returns customData string for the marker at given frameId position.
Return Type: {markers...}
Returns a dict (frameId -> {information}) of all markers and dicts with their information.
Example: a value of {96.0: {'color': 'Green', 'duration': 1.0, 'note': '', 'name': 'Marker 1', 'customData': ''}, ...}
indicates a single green marker at timeline offset 96
Return Type: string
Returns the timeline name.
Return Type: string
Returns value of timeline setting (indicated by settingName : string). Check the Project and Clip Properties below for more information.
Return Type: int
Returns the frame number at the start of timeline.
Return Type: string
Returns the start timecode for the timeline.
Return Type: int
Returns the number of tracks for the given trackType ("audio", "video" or "subtitle").
GetTrackName(trackType, trackIndex)
Return Type: string
Returns the track name for track indicated by trackType ("audio", "video" or "subtitle") and trackIndex. 1 < = trackIndex < = GetTrackCount(trackType).
Return Type: string
Returns a unique ID for the timeline
Return Type: [galleryStill]
Grabs stills from all the clips of the timeline at 'stillFrameSource' (1 - First frame, 2 - Middle frame). Returns the list of GalleryStill objects.
Return Type: galleryStill
Grabs still from the current video clip. Returns a GalleryStill object.
ImportIntoTimeline(filePath, {importOptions})
Return Type: Bool
Imports timeline items from an AAF file and optional importOptions dict into the timeline, with support for the keys:
: Bool, specifies if source clips should be imported into media pool, True by defaultignoreFileExtensionsWhenMatching
: Bool, specifies if file extensions should be ignored when matching, False by defaultlinkToSourceCameraFiles
: Bool, specifies if link to source camera files should be enabled, False by defaultuseSizingInfo
: Bool, specifies if sizing information should be used, False by defaultimportMultiChannelAudioTracksAsLinkedGroups
: Bool, specifies if multi-channel audio tracks should be imported as linked groups, False by defaultinsertAdditionalTracks
: Bool, specifies if additional tracks should be inserted, True by defaultinsertWithOffset
: string, specifies insert with offset value in timecode format - defaults to "00: 00: 00: 00", applicable if "insertAdditionalTracks" is FalsesourceClipsPath
: string, specifies a filesystem path to search for source clips if the media is inaccessible in their original path and if "ignoreFileExtensionsWhenMatching" is TruesourceClipsFolders
: string, list of Media Pool folder objects to search for source clips if the media is not present in current folder
Return Type: TimelineItem
Inserts a Fusion composition into the timeline.
Return Type: TimelineItem
Inserts a Fusion generator (indicated by generatorName : string) into the timeline.
Return Type: TimelineItem
Inserts a Fusion title (indicated by titleName : string) into the timeline.
Return Type: TimelineItem
Inserts a generator (indicated by generatorName : string) into the timeline.
Return Type: TimelineItem
Inserts an OFX generator (indicated by generatorName : string) into the timeline.
Return Type: TimelineItem
Inserts a title (indicated by titleName : string) into the timeline.
SetClipsLinked([timelineItems], Bool)
Return Type: Bool
Links or unlinks the specified TimelineItems depending on second argument.
Return Type: Bool
Sets current playhead position from input timecode for Cut, Edit, Color, Fairlight and Deliver pages.
Return Type: Bool
Sets the timeline name if timelineName (string) is unique. Returns True if successful.
SetSetting(settingName, settingValue)
Return Type: Bool
Sets timeline setting (indicated by settingName : string) to the value (settingValue : string). Check the Project and Clip Properties below for more information.
Return Type: Bool
Set the start timecode of the timeline to the string 'timecode'. Returns true when the change is successful, false otherwise.
SetTrackEnable(trackType, trackIndex, Bool)
Return Type: Bool
Enables/Disables track with given trackType and trackIndex trackType is one of subtitle 1 < = trackIndex < = GetTrackCount()
SetTrackLock(trackType, trackIndex, Bool)
Return Type: Bool
Locks/Unlocks track with given trackType and trackIndex trackType is one of subtitle 1 < = trackIndex < = GetTrackCount()
SetTrackName(trackType, trackIndex, name)
Return Type: Bool
Sets the track name (string) for track indicated by trackType ("audio", "video" or "subtitle") and index. 1 < = trackIndex < = GetTrackCount(trackType).
UpdateMarkerCustomData(frameId, customData)
Return Type: Bool
Updates customData (string) for the marker at given frameId position. CustomData is not exposed via UI and is useful for scripting developer to attach any user specific data to markers.