New in 19.0.2
Return Type: int
Returns the end frame position of the media pool clip in the timeline clip.
Return Type: float
Returns the end time position of the media pool clip in the timeline clip.
Return Type: int
Returns the start frame position of the media pool clip in the timeline clip.
Return Type: float
Returns the start time position of the media pool clip in the timeline clip.
New in 19.0.1
Return Type: json formatted string
Returns a string with TimelineItem's audio mapping information. Check 'Audio Mapping' section below for more information.
New in 19.0.0
Return Type: Graph
Returns the clip's node graph object at layerIdx (int, optional). Returns the first layer if layerIdx is skipped. 1 < = layerIdx < = project.GetSetting("nodeStackLayers").
Return Type: ColorGroup
Returns the clip's color group if one exists.
Return Type: Bool
Returns True
if TiItem to successfully assigned to given ColorGroup.
ColorGroup must be an existing group in the current project.
Return Type: Bool
Returns True
if the TiItem is successfully removed from the ColorGroup it is in.
ExportLUT(exportType, path)
Return Type: Bool
Exports LUTs from tiItem referring to value passed in 'exportType' (enum) for LUT size. Refer to. ExportLUT notes section for possible values.
Saves generated LUT in the provided 'path' (string). 'path' should include the intended file name.
If an empty or incorrect extension is provided, the appropriate extension (.cube/.vlt) will be appended at the end of the path.
Return Type: [TimelineItems]
Returns a list of linked timeline items.
Return Type: [trackType, trackIndex]
Returns a list of two values that correspond to the TimelineItem's trackType (string) and trackIndex (int) respectively.
trackType is one of subtitle
1 < = trackIndex < = Timeline.GetTrackCount(trackType)
Return Type: Bool
Adds a flag with given color (string).
Return Type: fusionComp
Adds a new Fusion composition associated with TimelineItem.
AddMarker(frameId, color, name, note, duration, customData)
Return Type: Bool
Creates a new marker at given frameId position and with given marker information. 'customData' is optional and helps to attach user specific data to the marker.
AddTake(mediaPoolItem, startFrame, endFrame)
Return Type: Bool
Adds MediaPoolItem as a new take. Initializes a take selector for the timeline item if needed. By default, the full clip extents is added. startFrame (int) and endFrame (int) are optional arguments used to specify the extents.
AddVersion(versionName, versionType)
Return Type: Bool
Adds a new color version for a video clip based on versionType (0 - local, 1 - remote).
Return Type: Bool
Applies ARRI CDL and LUT. Returns True if successful, False otherwise.
Return Type: Bool
Clears the item color.
Return Type: Bool
Clear flags of the specified color. An "All" argument is supported to clear all flags.
Change at 19.0.0
Return Type: Bool
Copies the current node stack layer grade to the same layer for each item in tgtTimelineItems
Returns True
if successful.
Return Type: Bool
Returns True if magic mask was created successfully, False otherwise. mode can "F" (forward), "B" (backward), or "BI" (bidirection)
Return Type: Bool
Deletes the named Fusion composition.
Return Type: Bool
Delete marker at frameNum from the timeline item.
Return Type: Bool
Delete first matching marker with specified customData.
Return Type: Bool
Delete all markers of the specified color from the timeline item. "All" as argument deletes all color markers.
Return Type: Bool
Deletes a take by index, 1 < = idx < = number of takes.
DeleteVersionByName(versionName, versionType)
Return Type: Bool
Deletes a color version by name and versionType (0 - local, 1 - remote).
ExportFusionComp(path, compIndex)
Return Type: Bool
Exports the Fusion composition based on given compIndex to the path provided.
Return Type: Bool
Finalizes take selection.
Return Type: string
Returns the item color as a string.
Return Type: Bool
Gets clip enabled status.
Return Type: {versionName...}
Returns the current version of the video clip. The returned value will have the keys versionName and versionType(0 - local, 1 - remote).
Change at 19.0.2
Return Type: int/float
Returns the item duration.Returns fractional frames if subframe_precision
is True
Change at 19.0.2
Return Type: int/float
Returns the end frame position on the timeline.Returns fractional frames if subframe_precision
is True
Return Type: [colors...]
Returns a list of flag colors assigned to the item.
Return Type: fusionComp
Returns the Fusion composition object based on given compIndex. 1 < = compIndex < = GetFusionCompCount()
Return Type: fusionComp
Returns the Fusion composition object based on given compName.
Return Type: int
Returns number of Fusion compositions associated with the timeline item.
Return Type: [names...]
Returns a list of Fusion composition names associated with the timeline item.
Change at 19.0.2
Return Type: int/float
Returns the maximum extension by frame for clip from left side. Returns fractional frames if subframe_precision
is True
Removed from 19.0.0, Use GetNodeGraph() to get a Graph object for this function
Return Type: string
Gets relative LUT path based on the node index provided, l
Return Type: {markers...}
Returns marker {information} for the first matching marker with specified customData.
Return Type: string
Returns customData string for the marker at given frameId position.
Return Type: {markers...}
Returns a dict (frameId -> {information}) of all markers and dicts with their information.
Example: a value of {96.0: {'color': 'Green', 'duration': 1.0, 'note': '', 'name': 'Marker 1', 'customData': ''}, ...} indicates a single green marker at clip offset 96
Return Type: MediaPoolItem
Returns the MediaPoolItem corresponding to the timeline item if one exists.
Return Type: string
Returns the item name.
Removed from 19.0.0, Use GetNodeGraph() to get a Graph object for this function
Return Type: string
Returns the label of the node at nodeIndex
Removed from 19.0.0, Use GetNodeGraph() to get a Graph object for this function
Return Type: int
Returns the number of nodes in the current graph for the timeline item
Return Type: int/[key:value]
returns the value of the specified key. if no key is specified, the method returns a dictionary(python) or table(lua) for all supported keys
Change at 19.0.2
Return Type: int/float
Returns the maximum extension by frame for clip from right side. Returns fractional frames if subframe_precision
is True
Return Type: int
Returns the index of the currently selected take, or 0 if the clip is not a take selector.
Change at 19.0.2
Return Type: int/float
Returns the start frame position on the timeline. Returns fractional frames if subframe_precision
is True
Return Type: {keyframes...}
Returns a dict (offset -> value) of keyframe offsets and respective convergence values.
Return Type: {keyframes...}
For the LEFT eye -> returns a dict (offset -> dict) of keyframe offsets and respective floating window params. Value at particular offset includes the left, right, top and bottom floating window values.
Return Type: {keyframes...}
For the RIGHT eye -> returns a dict (offset -> dict) of keyframe offsets and respective floating window params. Value at particular offset includes the left, right, top and bottom floating window values.
Return Type: {takeInfo...}
Returns a dict (keys "startFrame", "endFrame" and "mediaPoolItem") with take info for specified index.
Return Type: int
Returns the number of takes in take selector, or 0 if the clip is not a take selector.
Return Type: string
Returns a unique ID for the timeline item
Return Type: [names...]
Returns a list of all color versions for the given versionType (0 - local, 1 - remote).
Return Type: fusionComp
Imports a Fusion composition from given file path by creating and adding a new composition for the item.
Return Type: Bool
Loads user defined data burn in preset for clip when supplied presetName (string). Returns true if successful.
Return Type: fusionComp
Loads the named Fusion composition as the active composition.
LoadVersionByName(versionName, versionType)
Return Type: Bool
Loads a named color version as the active version. versionType: 0 - local, 1 - remote.
Return Type: Bool
Returns True if magic mask was regenerated successfully, False otherwise.
RenameFusionCompByName(oldName, newName)
Return Type: Bool
Renames the Fusion composition identified by oldName.
RenameVersionByName(oldName, newName, versionType)
Return Type: Bool
Renames the color version identified by oldName and versionType (0 - local, 1 - remote).
Return Type: Bool
Selects a take by index, 1 < = idx < = number of takes.
SetCDL([CDL map])
Return Type: Bool
Keys of map are: "NodeIndex", "Slope", "Offset", "Power", "Saturation", where 1 < = NodeIndex < = total number of nodes. Example python code :
SetCDL(\{"NodeIndex" : "1", "Slope" : "0.5 0.4 0.2", "Offset" : "0.4 0.3 0.2", "Power" : "0.6 0.7 0.8", "Saturation" : "0.65"\})
Return Type: Bool
Sets the item color based on the colorName (string).
Return Type: Bool
Sets clip enabled based on argument.
SetLUT(nodeIndex, lutPath)
Removed from 19.0.0, Use GetNodeGraph() to get a Graph object for this function
Return Type: Bool
Sets LUT on the node mapping the nodeIndex provided, 1 < = nodeIndex < = total number of nodes.
The lutPath can be an absolute path, or a relative path (based off custom LUT paths or the master LUT path).
The operation is successful for valid lut paths that Resolve has already discovered (see RefreshLUTList()).
SetProperty(propertyKey, propertyValue)
Return Type: Bool
Sets the value of property "propertyKey" to value "propertyValue".Refer to "Looking up Timeline item properties" for more information
Return Type: Bool
Performs Smart Reframe. Returns True if successful, False otherwise.
Return Type: Bool
Returns True if stabilization was successful, False otherwise
UpdateMarkerCustomData(frameId, customData)
Return Type: Bool
Updates customData (string) for the marker at given frameId position. CustomData is not exposed via UI and is useful for scripting developer to attach any user specific data to markers.
Return Type: Bool
Updates sidecar file for BRAW clips or RMD file for R3D clips.